Transform a toy you don’t use anymore into something new and creative!

Pick one of the toys you don’t use anymore and let’s transform it into something you and your family can play with again. Are you in?

Let’s dream and invent together!


You can use things you already have at home. These are some suggestions:

  • A toy you don’t use anymore
  • Cardboard
  • Tape
  • Assorted jars
  • Pieces of fabric and paper
  • String
  • Seeds and fruit peel
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Assorted threads
  • Ribbons
  • Colored pencils
  • Color pens
  • Gouache paint and brush


Look at an example of how to do this activity:

1. Imagine!

Take a look at the old toys you have at home or the objects you use to play. Imagine what you could create and transform! Choose the materials and decide which toy you are going to transform . If you want, you can start by sketching the new toy to help you out.

2. Create!

Once you have your old toy, it’s transformation time! Explore your different tools and materials to make this new toy come true.
If you’re doing this activity in the company of other people, all of you can collaborate in one project and make a really ingenious project.  When you’re done, test it to see if it’s working well and if it’s safe to play.

3. Share!

During and after the activity, how about talking about the shape of your new toy and all the ways your parents and grandparents used to play when they were kids? How did their toys look back then? What your family was used to play with? Can we get inspiration from those times to transform our toy? Share these findings with your friends and see if you have similar stories to share.

Cool tip

Look for pictures or videos of DIY toys using unusual materials as inspiration, and transform it into a “Let’s do it Together” activity! This can be a game-changer in your project!

Inspiring pictures!


This activity was created by the Brazilian Creative Learning Network.


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