Explore the activities

See what activities you can do with materials, tools and space you already have at home

Ages 3+

Ages 5+

Ages 8+

Make your own
Dream & Invention Corner

Set up a space where you can easily access your tools and materials. Think about a place you can use everyday to play and explore… it can be a certain area in your house or even a cardboard box!

Dream & Invention Corner helps

develop your autonomy and sense of responsibility. When you take care of your tools you can have fun and create amazing things with them! There are endless benefits to having it!

Dream & Invention Box can contain

safe-to-use things you already have at home. Crayons, paper, pieces of cardboard, fabric, tape, reusable items, old toys, even things like a pan and a spoon can make it to the box. Use your imagination to choose your materials!

Useful tips!

Play safely

Water and soap: wash your hands before and after playing, and make sure everyone involved in the fun does too.

Clean material: clean every object that is commonly shared by everyone, like scissors or pencils. If you’re a kid, you can ask an adult to help you clean the objects with the appropriate cleaning product.

Individual kits: if possible, after cleaning the material, make individual kits for everyone who will join in the fun.

Start simple

Be resourceful: find ways to adapt the activities whenever you need to. Don’t be afraid to start simple or to modify the activity to make more fun to you!

Keep on playing: try different materials and make the activities more diverse as time goes by.

Do your research: look up games people used to play a long time ago – what did adults and  elders in your family use to play when they were kids? How are other children customizing the activities found in this website?


Connect and play – even from afar!
Share your projects on social media with your friends, family and with us, too!

Use the hashtags #PlayToConnect 
and #CreativeLearningAtHome

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