Create and register stories with fantastic characters!

Imagine a world full of fantasy, a Puppet Land! How about the story of elves and creatures who want to change the world?
What would the goblin school be?
What about the dragons’ house?
And the hippogryphs’ and orcs’ carriage?


  • Old socks or gloves
  • Magic markers
  • Buttons and assorted sewing materials
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Popsicle sticks
  • String
  • Milk cartons
  • Pieces of fabric and ribbons


See an example of how to do this activity:

1. Imagine!

This puppet land is made of magical creatures such as fairies, elves, orcs, zombies, dragons, horses and anything else you can think of! But… this world struggles with the same problems of our world: pollution, prejudice, poverty and even diseases. 

In this world, you’re free to choose a creature and the path it will follow!

2. Create!

It’s time to go into action!

Think about the personality of the creature you’re creating, what’s it like? Think about its size, shape and colors. Look at the materials you have, what can you do with them? Build your character. 

It could be a sock or carton milk puppet, a finger puppet made of an old glove or even a marionette.

Choose a problem to solve. Something you would really like to change in the world. It could also be something fun you’d like to show to other people. Write a short story to present your character’s skills and talents and how they can help solve this problem. 

Now…lights, camera, action! Make your character come to life!

3. Share!

What did you make?

Why did you decide to make this

What would you do differently?

Record and present the story to your group of friends! If you want, you can post it on YouTube, Facebook or Instagram and use this website’s hashtags. 

Do you want to take it a step further? Create more elaborate stories with your friends through the Internet! Think of what’s missing in your characters and when you present it to your friends, ask for their help. Work as a team to improve your fun-tastic world!

Cool tips

If you want to make a marionette, use popsicle sticks and string. If you’re unable to create a puppet or a marionette, try drawing your character and write a comic-book story.

Inspiring pictures!


This activity was created by Tarcísio Braz de Melo Junior and Núcleo Vertentes of the Brazilian Creative Learning Network.


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