Build your dream community!

How would our community be if we could build it collectively to have a better future?
What would our schools look like?
What would the parks, public spaces and public transportation be like?
How would people behave?
Ask your family to join you in this activity where everyone will have the chance to reinvent the world in any way they want.
You can use materials you already have at home, like string, shoe boxes and masking tape. See some other options:

- Cardboard
- Shoe boxes
- Medicine boxes
- Paper cups
- Paper plates
- Scissors
- Glue
- Tape
- Masking tape
- String
Here’s an example of how to do this activity:
1. Imagine!
How would our community be if we could come up with solutions to everyday problems? What would our houses, public spaces, and favorite places (like school or sports field) look like? What would be different from the way it is nowadays? How would we renovate these spaces to make a better future for our community?
2. Create!
It’s time to get started! Build all kinds of elements you can think of: public spaces, buildings, people, nature… Now, think: how can all these elements coexist in the same community or village? Who’s part of it? How does the community work? How do people live in it?
3. Share!
What did you build? What was your motivation? Is there something you would do differently?
During and after the creative moment, talk to your family about what you’ve just created and imagine how life would be in this place and how the elements in it could improve life in the community.
Cool tips
How about creating stories to preserve your village? You could use a notebook, your cell phone camera or record audios to tell stories about your village.
If you have small pieces of electronic devices at home, try incorporating them into your project. LED lights, small motors and batteries can make your community much more alive!
Authorship and acknowledgements
This activity was created by the Brazilian Creative Learning Network:
Creative Village
One of the tips in this activity was inspired by:
StoryCity – LEGO Foundation